woman looking at sheet of paper

At Hutchison Oss-Cech Marlatt, we pride ourselves on providing up to date advice and information in employment law, including the impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on employment law and the assessment of employment law claims. Dana G. Quantz at our firm has provided the below summary to help people consider their legal rights in this pandemic.

What is included in a severance package?

It is a frequent question that employees and employers have in trying to address the value of a severance payment to end an employment relationship. This blog post is going to set out a few of the items that need consideration when evaluating the fairness and completeness of a severance package. We assume for the sake of this blog post that people are clearly employees as different considerations apply to dependent contractors or independent contractors.

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Young woman holding head in hands looking at computer

At Hutchison Oss-Cech Marlatt, we pride ourselves on providing up to date advice and information in employment law, including the impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on employment law and the assessment of employment law claims. Dana G. Quantz provides the follow summary of an important case in employment law.

Is a unilateral lay-off a constructive dismissal?

In short, the answer is yes. In 2020, there were a significant number of lay-offs by employers with closures of businesses, government shut-downs, and employers and employees needing to accommodate themselves to the new reality of employment in the COVID-19 era.

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A couple on a bench looking sad and separated

In their recent Hall v. Hall, 2021 BCCA 115 decision, the BC Court of Appeal again considered how changes can be made to one’s spousal support despite prior agreement with an ex-partner.

Before reviewing the Hall v. Hall decision, it is important to understand what statutory provisions apply to this question – how separation agreements governing spousal support may be set aside or varied?

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Watch our latest video with Ascend Legal 101 where we discuss ICBC’s new Enhanced Care coverage, the “no fault” car insurance in BC, and more. Listen to our chat to learn more about this topic as well as our professional opinions on the matter.

Our Video on ICBC Enhanced Care and “No Fault” Car Insurance in BC

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Sorry We're Closed sign

At Hutchison Oss-Cech Marlatt, we pride ourselves on providing up to date advice and information in employment law, including the impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on employment law and the assessment of employment law claims. Dana G. Quantz at our firm has provided the below summary to help people consider their legal rights in this pandemic.

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Top view of commercial construction and workers

The present pandemic has created never before seen issues and challenges in the building industry. At HOM, we pride ourselves in always staying ahead of the curve and up to date with all legal issues that could arise for our clients.

The construction lawyers at HOM have over 100 combined years of experience in dealing with every facet of the construction law industry, having represented homeowners, developers, contractors, subcontractors, and suppliers. We can also deal with any facet of real estate development, from concept to sale.

Lorenzo G. Oss-Cech, our team leader in this area, has litigated countless matters in the construction industry. He, along with his then partners, were one of the first lawyers to start the “leaky condos” wave of litigation in the early 1990s. Our team of experienced litigators can help with every issue including, during and after construction disputes, builders liens, contract disputes, delay claims and issues of active concealment if you find undisclosed damage after you purchase.

At HOM, we understand that project delays can be costly and add unnecessary stress. We strive to resolve matters quickly and economically efficiently for all our clients.

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Watch our latest video with Ascend Legal 101 where we discuss BC employment law in a changing world. With the COVID-19 pandemic still present, some people may be refusing to work due to concerns of unsafe work environments. Employment contracts have been impacted by the pandemic too. Listen to our chat to learn more about this topic as well as our professional opinions on the matter.

Our Video on The Impact of a Global Pandemic on Employment Contracts

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family law court forums BC

A family law proceeding may be commenced in either the Supreme Court or Provincial Court, the latter often being referred to as “family court”.

Which of these “forums” you choose for your family law matter depends on several criteria, including:

  • What type of remedy you are seeking?
  • What type of procedural mechanisms or interim orders you may need to obtain this remedy or make it more likely?
  • Where and how you hope to enforce the court order you obtain?; and
  • The complexity of your case, whether you intend to represent yourself or if you’re willing to pay for a lawyer to do so?

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Watch our latest video with Ascend Legal 101 where we discuss BC employment law in a changing world. With the COVID-19 pandemic still present, some people may be refusing to work due to concerns of unsafe work environments. Listen to our chat to learn more about this topic as well as our professional opinions on the matter.

Our Video on BC Employment Law in a Changing World

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Judges gavel

HOM recently obtained a jury award of $331,000 in damages for a client following a motor vehicle accident (“MVA”), and then defended against ICBC’s attempt to reduce this award.

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