Harassment, Abuse, & Assault Claims
Are you or someone you love the subject of harassment, abuse, or assault at home, at work, at school, or somewhere else?
Harassment can occur in a variety of situations and spans a wide range of offensive behaviours which are disturbing, upsetting or threatening and cause mental or emotional suffering. Harassment can take place privately, publicly, online or in the workplace.
Assaults are claims where an individual may have touched or applied force to you without your consent or threatened you. There does not have to be a physical attack, the threat of imminent physical harm can be enough to warrant legal compensation. Battery occurs where there is actual physical contact and might occur in a bar fight, domestic violence, or even during a sports game.
Abuse and neglect can happen to any child or adult who, by their age, physical or emotional condition is dependent on others for their care and is a harm done by a person in a position of trust or authority.
Depending upon the situation, harassment, abuse, and assault claims can be brought to several different forums for compensation. Harassment and assault at work and school can be brought before the courts and administrative tribunals for compensation. Claims of abuse and neglect are usually brought before the courts for a determination of compensation.
Cyberbullying and harassment can be devastatingly harmful. If someone is using the internet to harass, assault, and abuse you then we also have experience with the legal protections in British Columbia that can help you.
These claims require a delicate balance of legal expertise and sensitivity to ensure that the person undergoing the harassment, abuse, or assault feels heard and is given appropriate advice on their legal options.
Hutchison Oss-Cech Marlatt has years of experience in British Columbia’s unique legal landscape and we understand harassment, abuse, and assault claims very well. Our team is proud to serve as members of the Community Legal Assistance Society SHARP legal advice clinic and we have extensive experience in:
- Historical sexual assault and abuse cases.
- Sexual assault and sexual harassment.
- Extortion of online photographs.
- Cyberbullying and harassment.
- Claims under the Intimate Images Protection Act.
- Workplace harassment.
- Workers Compensation Act, WCB, and WorkSafeBC
- Discrimination under the BC Human Rights Code, including harassment for gender, race, and sexual orientation.
- Claims of harassment, assault, or abuse to educational institutions.
- Tort claims for personal injury, including assault, battery, and negligence.
If you or someone you love are the subject of harassment, abuse, or assault and they are ready to discuss your case, then we can assist you. Speak to one of our legal professionals today.
Contact us for a complementary 30 minute information session.
Law Services
Contact Us
Hutchison Oss-Cech Marlatt
505 Fisgard St, Victoria
BC V8W 1R3
P: 250.360.2500
H: 8:30 am – 5:00 pm